Thursday, June 30, 2011

Telephoto Lens

There are different types of lenses in photography and cinematography world; each with its own specifications and uses. Telephoto lens is that lens whose angle of view is very narrow yet it has focal length that is longer than a normal camera. The appellation telephoto means it can act from a distance. Given these peculiarities, a telephoto lens most times acts like binoculars as it makes the image bigger and of course brings the object closer to the viewer.

The lens has these powerful features because it is equipped with one of the newest lenses known as the telephoto group. It is this cutting-edge technology capacity that gives it the ability to stretch the path along which light travels otherwise referred to as the long focus. However, it is good to know that the impact of the long focus ability of a telephoto lens and angle of view are usually the same for telephoto lenses as long as they of the same specification in focal length.

In the ongoing development of the lens, different sub types have been discovered. Among many other types, we have the super telephoto and the medium telephoto. As the name implies, the super telephoto has a far reaching ability which covers not less than 8° and 1° field of view (over 300mm in 35mm film). The medium type is also of the same powerful capturing ability as it reaches between 30° and 10° field of view. That is about 85mm to 135mm in 35mm film format.

Given these unprecedented features, telephoto lens is the best for use by anyone whether for professional or personal use. It is the best for instance for a paparazzo who earns his living taking pictures of people and marketing such. He does not need to walk through a crowd for example to snap his object of interest. All he just needs to do is to stay at his comfort zone and adjust his camera very well and take the picture.

Journalists especially the photo journalists will also find the telephoto lens a very good companion in the ever increasing urgency in their job. The reason is that it removes the usual stress that accompanies taking pictures of events they are reporting. The lens is also good for personal use. It can be used when visiting tourist centers to take pictures of scenes which will keep the memories when the visitor has left the place.

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