Thursday, July 14, 2011

Creating Photo Art Prints As Visual Meditation

Our everyday life consists of multi-tasking, we are listening to one thing at the same time watching another and driving a car, all the same time. With the fast pace information age the speed of multitasking is ever increasing. Take a look at an average young person they are constantly texting, twittering, talking on their cell phones and working on something else. Fortunately our brains have been designed to process multiple streams of information that comes via our five senses. However research shows that whilst many people believe they can effectively multitask, in reality the level of attention to each task is below average.

A meditation practice involves having a single point of focus, reducing any distractions. It involves quieting the mind chatter so that we can go deeper into our own being. There are many forms of meditations some are visual like focusing on a candle light, others are simply focusing on your breath and there also walking meditation practices.

Creating photographic art rpints can be seen as a form of visual meditation. It forces us to stop the hectic process of multitasking and devote our attention to a single point of focus. Furthermore as opposed to motion pictures in photo art prints the subject is completely still, frozen in time. This visual meditation allows us to go deeper into the subject we are observing, noticing the minute details that we usually do not see in our everyday life. By doing so we expand our understanding of reality and we learn how to quiet our minds. Black and White photographic art prints can be termed the Zen photography, as it extends this meditative process even further. It removes the color, reducing our focus to variation in shading and textures.

For myself having spent thousands of hours in working with still art prints of nature, I have noticed an increased sensitivity and insight into nature. I have witnessed how each flower print; each tree print takes on its own personality, transmitting its wisdom.

The process of making photographic art prints encourages us to slow down, engaging in less doing and more being. Nature photographic art in particular expand our capability to see and appreciate the amazing beauty of our surroundings. Nature does not have an agenda it simply being what it is, cycling though changes of seasons, life and death. Great nature photographic art prints capture the essence of the subject in an instant of time. It allows us to reconnect with that part of us that is eternal, primal and unchanged.

For more information about meditative art prints visit

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